Welcome to Osteomyology

The way forward when the body fails to function



What is Osteomyology?

The title of our profession combines 'osteo' (bone) with 'myo' (muscle).

This combination indicates that we work with both joints and muscles to apply our therapy. Our members come from a diverse range of professions who share their particular realms of knowledge and experience with each other. The long term aim is to achieve more unification between the various physical therapies. Thus the members of the public will no longer have to decide which is better for our condition: an Osteopath, Chiropractor, Physiotherapist, Acupuncturist, Swedish Massage, Sports massage or any of the other professions out there. An Osteomyologist will potentially have all of these realms of skill and knowledge to draw upon.

Our training courses consist of the foundations of detailed anatomy, Orthopedics, Physiology, Neurology, Pathology and many other necessary areas of expertise. Each practitioner will have their own style and approach whilst maintaining their standards of practice in accordance with the strict rules of the Osteomyological Association.

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In 2024 as well as some wonderful workshops from our lecturers there is a special course on 'Enhanced Cranial Technique' (ECT) given by Paul Manley. Paul has made a lifelong study of Cranial technique and has developed his own, unique methodology and understanding of the physiology involved. His course of four workshops is entitled 'The four components'. Each workshop includes diagnostics and techniques as well as when to apply ECT.

Seminar fees and Options

Seminar (Members) £175.00
Seminar (Non-Members) £225.00
Deposit for Seminars £50.00

New Member Annual Subscription £425.00
Annual Renewal of Membership £425.00
(Membership price Includes One Mandatory CPD Seminar)
Standing Order Payments (annual membership + 1 seminar) £36.00 pcm

The Osteomyological Association was formed back in 1992 as an umbrella organisation to bring together like minded Professional Practitioners who already hold qualifications of degree status and wished to have a higher level of expertise.

Both the Registrar and Chairman had, as a concept, the joining together of groups of Professionals with similar ambitions in mind, that being, the exchanging of skills and inter-relating of treatment techniques which are proven to be effective in their various practices.

In the beginning, this proved to be extremely difficult. We all know that Colleges, Institutions, and Medical Practitioners are persuaded to believe that their discipline is the only way to go. After many years of clinical experience, we have all found that this is totally untrue. We find, ourselves, including in our treatment plan nutritional advice, Massage, Aromatherapy, possibly some Acupuncture, maybe a little Shiatsu, advice on breathing, NLP, realignment of posture – using the Alexander Method, some Homeopathy, Harmonics, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Kinesiology, Physiotherapy, Cranial, Bowen technique, in fact the list is endless.

We realised that a large number of Practitioners were working along these lines after attending many seminars and CPD’s to gain added expertise. We came to the conclusion that a large number of practitioners would be interested, as we are, in studying and becoming competent with the techniques and arts of other therapies.

From that moment on, we realised that all we had to do was to convince other like minded professionals of the merit and satisfaction of other ways of working which went beyond their initial training.

When one holds a certain belief and conviction, based on common sense and patient success it generates enthusiasm and excitement which can be passed on easily to other enthusiasts. This has been the flag that we have been flying since 1992.

We have one ideal in mind, the interchanging of treatment modalities to create totally new techniques and The Ultimate Therapist.

We are a Self Regulating Association
At the outset of the health professions being regulated the differing professions were either to be statutorially registered or self regulatory. The Association of Osteomyology decided to tread the path of self regulation.
In the beginning we had to prove that we were as good if not better than the statutory groups controlled by the governing bodies. At the beginning we stressed to all our members that they should not call themselves Osteopaths or Chiropractors, or any other title, because they were OSTEOMYOLOGISTS.
We wrote this into our Code Of Practice And Ethics, which is also one of the requirements of statutory bodies.

The code of practice and ethics enables the patient or member of the public to have an answerable come-back in the unlikely event that they have experienced any problems with a practice or practitioners.

We only accept members that already hold professionally gained Qualifications.
Our members are required to hold, full insurance along with their commitment to Continued Professional Development training.

We check that all of our members are Clinically Competent, we therefore introduced a re-validation program which we call C.C.C. or Complete Clinical Competence.
This is a carefully designed program which is MANDATORY for ALL our members, and requires them to take part in NINE evaluation modules: MRI and X Ray interpretation, Emergency Procedures, Rapid Orthopaedics, Rapid Neurology, Specific Chest Examination, Specific Abdomen Examination, Defensive Note Taking, Signs and Symptoms, Case Studies and Diagnosis. We feel that this is one of the most important aspects of a well regulated governing body.

We also hold regular additional CPD courses throughout the year for our members.

Our founder Dr A.J.W Clemens BA. MSc. Phd. DO developed Osteomyology back in 1992 after being requested to bring some semblance of order to an otherwise badly trained practitioner group in East Anglia.

Dr Clemens had trained in various Japanese reviving techniques (Kappo) and had also been involved in practicing different types of manual bodywork since 1964. He trained and graduated in Osteopathy and opened a thriving practice. After many conferences and seminars he quickly came to the conclusion that all of the varied treatment modalities could be combined to form a platform for the benefit and safe treatment of the public. Dr Clemens 7th Dan martial arts instructor had already achieved this idea in the field of martial arts training, where he had combined different styles and techniques to form an embryonic style of his own which produced some of the UK’s finest martial artists.

Osteomyology puts aside the usual tunnel vision of rigidly trained philosophies and allows the practitioner to switch seamlessly from one bodywork protocol to another even combining some methods together, this way the practitioner is never defeated as his armoury is limitless. Dr Clemens boasted that in his organisation there exists some of the greatest innovators and exponents of the healing arts. Osteomyology is not as most people are led to believe, a combination of other peoples favourite techniques, but a totally different protocol, a mingling and changing of the old, plus the new, to develop a form, up until now, undiscovered. The reason we combine modalities and reinvent, arises from our philosophy and belief in 'Vitalism'. No one method is seen as a cure all, so this is our method of treating patients sympathetically, effectively, and above all, safely. As individual as each person is on this planet earth, so is the individuality of each and every Osteomyology Practitioner, thereby ensuring that patients are treated as individuals and not clones.

Unlike all other treatment methods, we are not locked into the Symptom-Treatment syndrome. Our Vitalistic Practitioners believe in using the Osteomyology principle of 'Treatment re-invention'.

Dr Clemens like other innovators could not have advanced his small Association to the point it is now without listening to and being advised by other mentors and advisors who he stated are far more knowledgeable than him and carry the same burning enthusiasm. His registrar Karen Harding is in her own right a well known soft tissue advisor and practitioner, coupled with a qualification in Cranial and sports therapy and has supported and worked ceaselessly for the Association thereby bringing it to the fore.

Dr. Clemens was knighted by the order of Freemasons in 2013 for his services to charity and to Alternative Medicine.

1) As fully qualified Professionals, it is their duty to make sure that thier practice and themselves are fully insured. This we can assist you with, if they wish through our own Block Insurance Scheme, but they must provide, annually, renewal date proof of your full, professional and public liability insurance. Failure to provide full insurance will result in your removal from the professional register.
2) It is required that all members of The Association, when advertising, make known the name of Osteomyology. In interviews with the press, T.V. or any publication on the internet, it should be stressed that they are a practicing Osteomyologist.
3) For members of the Association that are trained and hold professional qualifications in any of the Manipulative sciences, and any other disciplines, should keep uppermost in their minds their allegiance is now to The Association of Osteomyology, and their fellow members.
4) The ideals of the Association are paramount. Each member should willingly share any knowledge he/she has acquired, and any treatment techniques which are found to be effective with other members, whether by discussion panels, seminars or interaction on the Association’s website.
5) As it is now law that Osteopathic / Chiropractic members should be on their respective statutory Registers, any member who is not on the said registers, must not lead any member of the public to believe that he / she is. Likewise, all Osteopathic / Chiropractic trained members will refrain from using these titles unless they can lawfully do so. Any infringement of this rule will result in removal from our register.
6) All professional fees due to the Association must be paid in full, on time. Any member being 60 days overdue will be removed from the Register forfeiting all their rights to the name, logo and entry onto the “Find an Osteomyologist” section of our website. In the event of that they hold the Block Insurance Scheme Insurance with the Association, this will become null and void from their renewal date.
7) Any queries as to practice, ethics and implications or queries of non or ex-members using our protected title and registered logo’s will be handed to the Practice and Ethics Committee who will deal with them with the greatest gravity.
9) Qualifications: The display of designatory letters, certificates and diplomas on professional premises and stationary shall be restricted to those recognised by the Association’s executive Council who will not refuse the recognition of educational qualifications that you have received in recognised schools.
10) Curricular Services: Members wishing to take part in the formal training of other Osteomyologists may do so only with the written permission of The Association’s executive Council.
11) Discipline: The Executive Council of The Association of Osteomyologists may, on investigation, de-register any member found guilty of contravening the spirit or letter of The Association’s Code of Practice and Ethics, or on the grounds of any other act which the Executive Council may consider to reflect adversely upon the good name and reputation of The Association of Osteomyologists. In the case of an adjudged misdemeanour, the Executive Council may substitute the punishment of de-registration with a period of suspension from membership. All certificates, diplomas and items of property issued by The Association to a members during the life of their membership will remain the property of The Association and on de-registration, shall be returned to The Association’s Registrar.

The General Council of Osteomyologists will submit the written complaint to the screeners. All information from the complainant and the Practitioner involved will be forwarded to the Complaints / Investigation / Disciplinary Committee who will decide the outcome.
Appeals: Appeals against the C.I.D. Committees decision can be made by the appellant in writing within a period of 28 days from the date of the decision received.

Our code of ethics
The purpose is to define ethical standards in regard to the practice of Osteomyology under which persons entered into the membership of The Association of Osteomyologists shall agree to be bound under Articles as follows:
1) To uphold all laws and regulations of the Country in which the Practitioner may legally practice.
2) To maintain the high standards of professional conduct appropriate to member-ship of The Association of Osteomyologists in which the interest and welfare of the patients are deemed paramount.
3) To observe the highest degree of integrity and responsibility in regard to the practice of Osteomyology.
4) To insure by means of continuous update of information and training a level of competence consistent with the highest standards of the profession. Accept and involve themselves in mandatory CPD (Continuing Professional Development) both within the Association and outside sources.
5) To respect the confidentiality of the patient / practitioner relationship.
6) To exercise restraint in regard to the application of any treatment which might conceivably be to the detriment of the patient.
7) To seek appropriate medical advice in any situation in which the practitioner may lack the necessary competence or experience to administer treatment.
8) To provide and sustain, subject to competence, such emergency treatment as may be necessary until he / she can be assured it will be given by another in due time.
9) To report all notifiable disease states according to applicable laws.
10) To do nothing to entice patients from the care of professional colleagues.
11) To maintain careful records of all patients, contacts, interviews and treatments.
12) To refrain from all acts of criticisms which might conceivably bring a profession-al colleague or Association into disrepute.
13) To abstain from any claim or statement misrepresenting the therapeutic benefits of Osteomyology.
14) No Osteomyology Practitioner may practice or claim to practice any discipline that they do not hold a certified qualification in.
15) To comply with the following Code of Practice:

Our code of practice:
1) Education: All Practitioners must have a relevant professional qualification to gain admittance to the official Register of The Association of Osteomyology. These qualifications must have been awarded by a reputable, recognised University / College. Our education standards are high, and every Practitioner member must complete our core foundation (CCC—Complete Clinical Competence CPD’s), which is a series of 9 protocols to study and be verbally examined in to gain revalidation status over a period of 2-3 years. We fully intend for future Osteomyology to be trained totally in Osteomyology at our own Colleges. All of our standards and criteria are overseen by our Education Committee.
2) Insurance: Practitioners must be professionally indemnified in respect of patient, public and product liabilities, either with the Associations Block Scheme or others of their choosing and produce annually proof of the same with their renewal.
3) Premises:
A) Treatment area must be equipped to clinical standards.
B) Staff facilities and public areas (waiting rooms, hallways, stairs, toilet facilities etc) must comply with current Health and Safety Regulations.
4) Security: Practitioners must ensure that a patients confidential records are properly safeguarded and not accessible to third parties.
5) Referrals: Practitioners should observe the recognised form of patient referral.
6) Conduct:An Osteomyologist Practitioner may not:
A) Use the title Doctor unless he or she has been awarded that honour by The Association or if the Practitioner is a PhD / Registered Medical Practitioner in the Country they wish to practice in. The use of the title is forbidden for use on business cards, letterheads or any publicity unless the above criteria has been met.
B) Address or refer to an Assistant as “Nurse” unless the person referred to holds a nursing qualification in the Country in which the Practitioner is operating a clinic.
C) Undertake any physical examination or treatment of a child under sixteen years of age except in the presence of a parent or guardian or other responsible adult.
D) Conduct a genital examination or examination in the genital and surrounding areas of any patient without the presence of a chaperone unless written verbal consent has been given.
E) Make any written, audio or verbal claims in regard to the “curative” benefits of treatment.
F) Undertake treatment of a person who is already receiving treatment of a similar nature for the same condition with out the respective Practitioner’s permission.
7) Advertising: Osteomyology Practitioners shall be free to advertise their services and practices as they see fit subject to any such advertisements:
A) Being legal, decent, honest and truthful and in accordance with the British Code of Advertising Standards or appropriate overseas code.
B) Not being of a character that could reasonably be regarded as likely to bring the profession into disrepute.
C) Not being such as to abuse the trust of existing or potential patients or exploit their lack of knowledge.
8) Stationary and Name Plates: Professional letterheads should be of good quality and print. Names plates on buildings and windows should be modest in size.

Many concerns can be resolved directly with the Osteomyologist in question. However, we want you to contact us immediately in any cases in which the Osteomyologist may be acting in a dishonest, indecent or violent way, working under the influence of alcohol or drugs, having a personal relationship with a patient, examining or treating a patient without their consent or incompetent. If you are a patient and have other concerns about the treatment you have received, or the way your Osteomyologist has behaved, the best person to talk to first is usually the Osteomyologist in question. Many concerns can arise from misunderstandings and it is often helpful to discuss your concerns with the Osteomyologist first. If you would prefer not to do this, you may be able to discuss it with another Osteomyologist in the practice. Ask about the practice’s complaints procedure: all osteopathic practices should have one. If there is no one else in the practice, another Osteomyologist may be able to give an opinion. Most will be pleased to help you.
What we can investigate: 1) We have a legal responsibility to look at complaints if an Osteomyologist’s behaviour falls below the standards set out in our Code of Practice and Ethics.
2) An Osteomyologist is guilty of professional incompetence because their work fails to meet the standards we set in our Code of Practice and Ethics.
3) An Osteomyologist is convicted of a crime. If this happens, we will look at the conviction to decide whether it affects the Osteomyologist’s ability to practise.
4) An Osteomyologist’s physical or mental condition is seriously affecting their work – if they have a health problem, we will consider how it affects their ability to practise.

The Association of Osteomyologists was founded in 1992 in order to promote, enhance and unify the practice of Osteomyology.

Grades of Membership are awarded as follows:
Consultant: Awarded by Council and President to senior advisors
Dr (Ostm) Doctor of Osteomyology
FAO Fellow of The Association of Osteomyologists
MAO (Lic) Licentiate Member The Association of Osteomyologists
MAO Member of The Association of Osteomyologists
Affil. AO Affiliate Student Member
MAO (As) Associate Member of The Association of Osteomyologists
FAO (Manip) Fellow Manipulative Trained
MAO (Manip) Member Manipulative Trained

All members, irrespective of grade, are strictly bound by the following Code of Practice and Ethics. This document also applies to all students in training at the Association’s affiliated and accredited schools and own College of Osteomyology. Notwithstanding, the principals of any such school or College reserve the right to terminate the training of any student at any time.

Download membership application here The Membership Fee Includes One CPD Seminar

You can contact Karen Clemens (Chairman) on:01255 214305 OR 07415 858450 or email her at chairman@osteomyology.co.uk

Copyright: Association of Osteomyologists 2023